Any condition that affects the spine or the spinal cord within. The spine is the backbone or column of bones (vertebrae) that protects the spinal cord. The spine also provides support for the body and allows movement. Examples of spinal conditions includes herniated disc, osteoarthritis and spinal muscular atrophy.
Back pain is one of the most common disorders for which people seek medical help and attention. Common Spine Conditions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options in India There are a variety of providers and many different treatments for back pain. For the lay person or patient, it may be difficult to sort through all the information available on the Internet and through other media to determine what is useful or medically accurate for a specific condition. The information here is aimed at providing clear, concise facts that will allow patients to understand their condition and ask better questions of their health care providers.
This information is not a substitute for medical care, nor does it provide information that is intended to help you diagnose your own condition. Please consult your health care provider or seek care from a spine specialist.
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