Fortunately the vast majority of individuals spontaneously recover from their first episode of sciatica. Bedrest for a day or two may be helpful. The most important medicine is “time.” After three months, perhaps 90% of sufferers will recover. Operation is indicated in those who continue to have pain and/or have a significant weakness and numbness.
The aim of operation is decompression of the nerve root. Under general anesthesia a 1 inch incision is made in the low back overlying the nerve root. Using the operative microscope a small crescent of bone is removed from the spine, exposing the nerve root and herniated disc material (laminotomy). The disc material compressing the nerve root is removed and the underlying central disc space is curretted free of retained, degenerated disc nucleus (discectomy).
Decompressing the nerve root relieves the sciatic pain in the leg and back pain as well. Buried, absorbable sutures are used for closure. The procedure takes less than one hour. Most individuals can return home the same day as surgery and return to normal or light limited activities within a day or two. Athletic activities can be resumed in one month. There is virtually no blood loss and no support corset is prescribed. More than 90% of patients experience total or near total pain relief, usually within a day or two of operation.
The weakness is greatly improved, but the numbness persists. Comment: The L5 nerve root is usually the root compressed by a fragment of disc material which prolapses from the disc space between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. The nerve root controls the muscles of elevation of the foot at the ankle, elevation of the big toe, sensation on the top of the foot. The L5 nerve root does not control the knee or ankle reflex. Irritated L5 and S1 nerve roots cause pain with raising the straighten leg. By examination, the surgeon could determine which nerve root was involved, as confirmed by spinal imaging. The failure of sciatic to respond to medical treatment is an indication for operation. The presence of weakness makes the operation more urgent. Marked weakness of one or both legs, especially when there is loss of bowel and bladder control is an emergency and requires prompt surgery.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message style=”square” message_box_color=”mulled_wine”]