[vc_row][vc_column][td_block_text_with_title custom_title=”What’s the Purpose to Perform Heart Transplant in Chennai?”]
The purpose to perform the Heart Transplant in Chennai is to replace the diseased heart of the person with a healthy heart from a human donor. The surgeons at the network hospitals under We Care India perform the Heart Transplant in Chennai when the person is dealing with congestive heart failure or heart injury and that cannot be treated by any other medical or surgical treatments. This procedure is reserved for those candidates who have a high risk of dying from heart disease within one or two years.
Generally, the patients who require a transplant have one of two problems. One is irreversible damage to the heart because of coronary artery disease which can result in severe heart attacks or myocardial infarctions. The other problem is a heart muscle disease which is known as cardiomyopathy. This is a heart disease in which your heart is unable to contract normally because of damage to your muscle cells. According to the study, the other forms of heart disease require transplantation, such as congenital heart defects, which are structural problems present at birth.
As we all know that all the surgical procedures are related to some risks, similarly, the Heart Transplant in Chennai also carries its own set of risks which includes the complications during or after the heart transplant. A team of doctors and other professionals at all the network hospitals under We Care India will assess all patients who are referred for transplant to determine who might get benefit from the procedure. After all the examination, when a patient is accepted for a heart transplant, he or she will be placed on a nationwide transplant waiting list. The patients will be listed according to their severity of the medical condition; generally, the surgeons will give higher priority to the sicker patients.[/td_block_text_with_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Donor hearts may come from anywhere in India or can also come from other developed countries. The team of professionals across the hospitals under We Care India will try to reduce as much as possible the amount of time between removing the diseased heart from your body and transplanting the new heart into you.
The team of professionals consider a heart is a good match while looking at the quality of the heart, the size, and importantly, how well it matches to your blood and tissue type.
Once you are considered as a suitable candidate for a heart transplant then your surgeon and your health care team will add you to the transplant waiting list. Once you are on the list, a suitable heart which matches with your bone tissues may come within a few days or it may take many months or even years.
According to research, suitable hearts do not become easily available for everyone 8 out of 10 people receive the heart transplant surgery they require. Around more than half the people accepted onto the heart transplant waiting list receive a transplant within three to four years of time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”violet” icon_type=”pixelicons” icon_pixelicons=”vc_pixel_icon vc_pixel_icon-alert”]
A Heart Transplant in Chennai is a procedure which usually takes between four to six hours to complete and your surgeon will perform the following steps to achieve the successful outcome of the procedure:
After the surgery, your surgeon will move you to the intensive care unit (ICU). Most of the people wake on the following day. Your surgeon will give you the sedated medication to breathe with the help of a ventilator machine until you are able to breathe for yourself. From there, you will be moved into a high dependency unit ward.
Following your operation, there will a wound along your breastbone and you will also have chest drains tubes which have been inserted by your surgeon into your chest area to drain fluid from your chest. You will be given fluids and medicines through these small tubes which are attached to your arms or neck.
In most of the cases, people leave the hospital within about four weeks of the heart transplant and this will vary upon your medical condition, you may need to stay in the hospital for longer.
After your Heart Transplant in Chennai for the first few months, you will need to visit the hospital regularly. Your transplant team will talk to you about practical arrangements for after your surgery.
Although after your Heart Transplant in Chennai you become a little weak and your recovery will also take some time but this also depends on your health condition. Some people recover quickly even they become weak and some take time. It is important to build up your level of activity gradually. You should avoid activities involving pushing, pulling or heavy lifting until your breastbone is fully healed, which can take up to three or four months.
The estimated Heart Transplant Cost in Chennai is very reasonable which is around USD 45,000 including the fees of the heart surgeon whereas the heart transplant cost in other developing countries is quite expensive then Chennai which is around USD 1,00,000 and this does not include the charges of heart surgeons. This is the reason that people in larger number prefer to visit Chennai for their heart transplant surgery.